國內標準刊號:CN 64-1054/N
國際標準刊號:ISSN 1672-8289
《科技展望》是一本科技綜合類期刊,國內統一刊號:CN:64-1054/N,國際標準刊號:ISSN:1672-8289。由寧夏科學技術廳主管,科技展望雜志社主辦,致力于給廣大奮斗在科技工程、教育教學以及經濟管理領域的工作者提供一個學術交流的平臺。 Outlook of science and technology is a comprehensive journal of science and technology, the domestic unified serial number: CN: 64-1054 / N, international standard serial number: ISSN: 1672-8289. The competent science and technology department of ningxia, outlook magazine -- science and technology, is committed to give the struggle in the field of engineering science and technology, education, teaching, and economic management of workers to provide an academic exchange platform. 科技展望與多家期刊網合作,投稿到該雜志即認為授權將文章刊登到科技展望合作的期刊網,如有特別要求,需要郵件或電話特別申明,編輯部接收的稿件一律不會退稿,作者須自留底稿。 Looking forward to cooperate with network of several journals of science and technology, contribute to the magazine that authorized journals published articles to the outlook of science and technology cooperation network, if you have special requirements, need to clarify this mail or phone, the editorial department received the manuscript shall not rejection, the author must take the papers. |